Advanced Students Text
A Cold Murder
Chicago, 1989, it was a cold and hard winter like death was upon every single person in the city, this story is about a kid who really loved his mother, his name was Mark, he used to make any kind of things in order to call his mother’s attention, their relationship as mother and child was strong, but there was only one problem that was between their strong relationship, Mark’s father, who was an alcoholic and violent man, used to be drinking all the time, and the only thing he was capable of doing is to hit is wife with a stick in her whole body, she could not do a thing because if he leaves the house, she would not be able to feed her baby and give him a respectable education.
In a cold night of Christmas Eve, Mark and his mother were having a good time opening Mark’s presents, but not everything could have been happiness, Mark’s father got home, drunk, so he grabbed an iron stick and hit so hard his wife that she could not make move; while this madman was still hitting her, she thought how could she married such a man. Once he got out of strength, he went to bed; Mark’s eyes could not believe what just happened, he swore vengeance against the man who did that to his mother.
Time passed, Mark graduated from law school in Harvard, but as time was passing by, his anger against his father grown up has well; Mark’s mother was so joyful that her son succeeded, a feeling of self rewarding went through her body and bones. After the ceremony, mother and son went home to give his father the good news about his son success, but they found him drunk and more aggressively than ever, he was totally crazy, he took a gun and began to aim to Mark’s mother, she began to cry with a deep a feeling of sadness that Mark could not stand it, so as he saw his mother crying, he shook off the gun from his father’s hands and aimed at him, at first he hesitated on shooting the gun, but when he stared to his mother and saw that she was in pain, as well as he remembered all the past events like that “Bloody Christmas Eve” he shot a bullet straight to his heart giving him an instant death. As a consequence, he was sentenced to be in jail for twenty long dark years.